Dream and Drift


Hello! I am Marcelle Turner, the voice behind Tolstoy and Totes. I am thrilled that you have found your way to this blog and hope you are enjoying the content!

For more than a decade I have worked as an executive in advertising and marketing spending my days helping brands communicate their values and offerings. I love the satisfaction I feel when I can help my clients articulate their stories and plan their future evolutions. Year after year I have invested my heart into their successes with the dream of someday doing the same for my own creative aspirations.

As a business owner and mother of two active young men, everything in the past nineteen years has been focused on the here and now, leaving little room for anything that didn’t fit in the household schedule. More recently, however, I have made more time to breathe, reflect, and consider the opportunities in the next phase of my life.

Three Pillars of Foundation

I am blessed to have a business partner that keeps me on my toes intellectually and that I trust beyond words. He is wicked smart and ensures that our business is always evolving (with heavy doses of laughter and ridiculousness for good measure). Our professional years ahead of will be fulfilling and rewarding. Positive work environment…check.

My husband and I have shared twenty+ years of profound friendship getting us through some of the most challenging obstacles families face. He is old-fashioned in a modern world, never afraid to say what he thinks, and is the most thoughtful gift-giver I’ve ever met. He will dress up for any occasion (I love a fancy event), makes the best popcorn in the world, and has an uncanny ability to make friends with almost anyone in less than sixty seconds. He has reinvented himself professionally over the past four years and “proud” doesn’t describe the way I feel about the way he has approached his new career. We are still figuring this whole “meaning of life” thing out as individuals and as a family, but I know that no matter what our future will be full of kindness and respect. Loving home environment…check.

I credit my parents, siblings, and closest friends for getting me to the place I am today through frightening illness and a dark recovery period a few short years ago. They relieved the pressures of everyday life and allowed me to focus my sometimes limited energy on just being a Mom when I was at my lowest point. My sons have matured into the most incredible young men and I know without a doubt that much of their courage and humanity was influenced by “the village” of support that envelops our family. Remarkable family network…check.

Let’s be clear, my life is far from perfect or privileged. I have chosen to be a small business owner rather than a big agency power player knowing the financial opportunity costs. I live on a budget and drive an older car to demonstrate to my boys the principles of living within your means. If we want something we save for it (imagine that!) There is always laundry to be done, some part of the house that needs a deep clean, and my garden suffers from chronic neglect. Sometimes dinner is, “What can you make yourself?” and I just want to sleep. I’ve given up trying to be Superwoman. My approach these days is enjoying the little moments, never putting chores before a conversation, and spending every moment possible with the people I love. Besides, how much garden basil does one family really need?

Starting The Next Chapter

Now that my eldest is in college and my youngest a high school junior, I am ready to start putting a more refined focus back into the fourth pillar of life–myself. So much of my current day-to-day revolves around their needs but the empty nest scenario is right around the corner. While I’ll certainly be a lonely Momma at times I firmly believe that it’s my responsibility to reinvent what daily happiness will look like for myself. I want the boys to go off to adult life knowing that I’m engaged in active living, supportive of their independence, and leading a purposeful life as an individual.

This blog will evolve as I do. It is a gift to myself wrapped in the shimmer of dreamy unknowns and tied with a sturdy bow of commitment to exploring without fear. You will see lots of photos of craft cocktails and extraordinary dishes and I’ll try to grab recipes whenever possible. My love affair with all things maritime, nautical and from the sea will be apparent in a few clicks. I’ll share my thoughts on the reading project and do my best to capture the outstanding moments in life as I travel. Whatever the topic know that I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Tolstoy on the Kindle and totes packed for adventure. Welcome along!